
You'll join the operating room team with this new associate degree

The dem和 for surgical technologists is growing rapidly, 而澳门官方娱乐游戏平台则以我们最新的健康科学项目——外科技术作为回应.

MCC的外科技术副学士学位课程将为您自信地进入该领域做好准备, 临床实践培训, 和 the skills you need for immediate workplace success.

Graduates will be ready to work in a variety of settings including:

  • Inpatient hospital operating rooms
  • 门诊手术中心
  • 急诊室
  • 中央供应

You’ll become an important part of a team of surgeons, 麻醉医师, 注册护士——所有人都致力于提供安全、无菌的环境和积极的患者治疗结果.

The 澳门官方娱乐游戏平台 外科手术技术 program is accredited by the Commission on 认证 of Allied 健康 Education 项目 根据委员会的建议 外科技术及外科辅助教育评审委员会.


卫生科学学院 & 身体健康健康科学学院 & 身体健康 prepares you to deliver quality patient/client care, 和 improve the health of individuals 和 communities through education 和 service.

Commission on 认证 of Allied 健康 Education 项目 Logo

Commission on 认证 of Allied 健康 Education 项目
113街9355号. N, #7709
(727) 210-2350

For Surgical Technologists, It’s 安全 First

As members of the operating room team, 外科技术人员在医疗监督下工作,以确保手术安全有效. You’ll learn how to ensure that equipment functions properly, 和 that operations are performed under conditions that maximize patient safety.

除了, 你将成为无菌和无菌技术理论和应用方面的专家, as you gain knowledge in human anatomy, 外科手术, 以及医生在侵入性治疗和诊断过程中使用的工具和技术.

Surgical technology is evolving quickly. 随着外科手术和医疗技术的变化,这个领域将为您提供令人兴奋的新挑战. After you earn your associate degree 和 pass the national certification examination, you’ll be eligible to apply for jobs as a surgical or operating room tech.

You could start your career at employers like these:

  • 高地医院
  • University of Rochester Medical Center
  • Rochester Regional 健康 System
  • 林登橡树手术中心
  • 汤普森的健康
  • 锯草手术中心
  • 韦斯特福外科中心

Regulations signed into New York law in July 2013, 2015年1月生效, 要求新的外科技术人员从认可的外科技术项目毕业并通过国家认证考试.

To find out more about the 外科手术技术 A.A.S. from 澳门官方娱乐游戏平台, contact the admissions office at admissions@bodyworx-nw.com or (585) 292-2200.

Please Note: Due to the competitive nature of the surgical technology program, 大多数学生将在开始四个学期的外科技术课程之前完成几门必修课程. 阅读我们的 招生要求 和 联系招生办公室 了解更多.


A.A.S. 学位-职业计划


学校(s): 健康科学 & 身体健康


The 外科手术技术 program offers an Associate in Applied Science Degree. 该计划旨在培养在医疗监督下执业的外科技术人员,以促进安全有效地进行侵入性外科手术. 个人作为外科团队的一员,在护士和外科医生的监督下工作,以确保手术室环境安全, that equipment functions properly, 手术过程是在最大限度地保证病人安全的条件下进行的. 外科技术人员在无菌和无菌技术的理论和应用方面具有专业知识,并结合人体解剖学知识, 外科手术, 以及实施工具和技术,以促进医生进行侵入性治疗和诊断程序. 外科技术课程的毕业生准备在包括住院医院手术室在内的各种环境中工作, 门诊手术中心, emergency rooms 和 central supply.

通向A的课程.A.S. degree is comprised of 64 credits. The program consists of liberal arts 和 sciences 和 surgical technology courses. As the student progresses through the curriculum, classroom theory is applied to clinical practice in the operating room setting. 每学期必须完成所有列出的课程,成绩达到C或更高,才能升入下学期. Students are responsible for their own transportation to 和 from clinical sites. 具有临床成分的课程(SGT 201和SGT 202)需要专业救援人员的当前CPR认证。.

The program of study must be completed within five years of matriculation. 每学期必须完成所有列出的课程,成绩达到C或更高,才能升入下学期. 没有成功完成上一阶段的所有课程,学生不得进入下一阶段的外科技术课程. 最后一学期外科技术课程成绩不达到C或C以上者,不符合毕业资格. Completion of 医疗需求, 清除现有的健康问题和满足基本功能(身体)的能力 & 心理需求)的程序, vaccination against seasonal flu, 乙型肝炎, 和 meningitis vaccination must be met for admission 和 continuation in the program. 医疗需求, including PPD (or negative x-ray), 水痘免疫证明, 和免疫, 必须在整个课程期间满足,以便学生参加临床. 外科手术技术 is a high dem和, competitive program. Readmission to the program is not automatic 和 is dependent on several factors. 寻求重新进入该项目的学生(或在另一所大学的项目中尝试失败后寻求入学)应联系外科技术项目主任获取信息. Readmission, if approved is always on a space available basis. Current CPR Certification for two-person professional rescuer, 包括婴儿, 孩子, 成人, 和 automated external defibrillator (AED) is required for all students. Only American Heart Association, BLS for 健康 Care Providers (CPR & AED) (2 year) or American Red Cross Professional Rescuer (CPR & AED) (1 year) Certification is acceptable. 认证证明必须在课程开始前至少一个月提交给部门. Current certification must be maintained throughout the duration of program. Students need to complete any TRS or ESL courses prior to enrollment in the program. 所有的学生都必须在他们进入外科技术课程的每个学期保持健康保险. Students must provide proof of insurance prior to the start of program.

1.应用 appropriate medical knowledge 和 terminology in the perioperative setting.

相关工作: 职业教练
职业资源: http://www.onetonline.org

Requirements for Program Entrance
7级(或更高)安置, mth096与B-, 含C的MTH 104, MTH 160带C, 或MTH 165(或更高)C. (推荐高中课程代数II +三角学,成绩75分或以上)
Required 课程: High School Biology with a grade of C or better, 高中化学成绩为C或更高,或同等的MCC课程(BIO 133/132), 格瓦拉100)
生物144, 当申请人被外科技术专业录取时,BIO 145和BIO 202成绩必须不超过7年,成绩为“C”.


生物144 Human Anatomy 和 Physiology I (grade of C or higher required) 4
MTH 160 Statistics I (grade of C or higher required) 3
HIM 104 Medical Terminology (grade of C or higher required) 3
SGT 100 Introduction to 外科手术技术 (grade of C or higher required) 4
SGT 110 Foundations of 外科手术技术 (grade of C or higher required) 1
总计 15
BIO 145 Human Anatomy 和 Physiology II (grade of C or higher required) 4
ENG 101 College Composition (grade of C or higher required) OR
ENG 200 Advanced Composition (grade of C or higher required)
SOC 210 Introduction to Global Studies (grade of C or higher required) OR
PHL 210 Democracy 和 Human Rights (grade of C or higher required)
SGT 101 Surgical Pharmacology 和 Anesthesia (grade of C or higher required) 2
SGT 102外科技术原理与实践(要求C级或以上) 5
总计 17
BIO 202 Microbiology (grade of C or higher required) 4
PHL 103 Introduction to Ethics (grade of C or higher required) 3
总计 7
BIO 235 Pathophysiology (grade of C or higher required)3
SGT 201 Surgical Procedures (grade of C or higher required)10
总计 13
SGT 202 Specialty Surgical Procedures (grade of C or higher required)10
SGT 210外科技术专业问题和认证(要求C级或以上) 2
总计 12
Students must complete BIO 和 SGT courses following the semester sequence; BIO courses may be previously completed.
